Optimal Strategy for the 14 / 11 position in Jail Blackjack

----- 14 012345678910
11 ----- -----50%----------------------------------------50%
0 50%0.5000.51111111
1 -----000.511111110
2 -----00.5111111100
3 -----0.51111111000
4 50%11111110000
5 -----11111100000
6 -----11111000000
7 -----11110000000
8 -----11100000000
9 -----11000000000
10 -----10000000000

Explanatory notes:

First row - possible moves by the 1st player (blue).

First column - possible moves by the 2nd player (blue).

Second row - probability of the 1st player making the corresponding move, under the optimal strategy (yellow).

Second column - probability of the 2nd player making the corresponding move, under the optimal strategy (yellow).

The matrix elements - the value of the corresponding outcome for the 2nd player. Naturally, the value of the outcome corresponding to "0" moves by both players is the value of the position itself.

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