Ilya's Games
MULT 3 X 3
The game is for two players. Accessories: a 3 by 3 board, initially empty, and nine cards with numbers 1, 2, ..., 9 on them. The players move in turn, by taking one of still unused cards and placing it into an empty square on the board. The game is over when all the cards have been used and the board is full.
How to determine who has won: The first player's points are the product of the three numbers in the first row plus the product of the three numbers in the second row plus the product of the three numbers in the third row. The second player's points are the sum of products by column. The second player additionally gets a 40 point bonus to compensate for the disadvantage of going second. You will play against the computer. You can choose whether to go first or second. The computer plays optimally, so regardless of whether you go first or second, the best you can do is to tie the game. To make a move, select a square, then click on a card.